Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 02, 2009
Dont. Don't you want me?
I am thinking you about converting this to my personal blog since I am no longer involved with any Antarctic Research. So I will leave it up to you, the hoards waiting patiently for another entry.
Just leave me a comment if you would want some more entries.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
New Pictures from Tango Camp
Location: Columbus, OH
Weather: 34F, Sunny
Monday, December 22, 2008
Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: 28F, partly cloudy
Report from New Zealand forthcoming.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Back from Tango 1
Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: Sunny, 28F
We arrived back to Williams Air Field last night from our deep field camp at Tango 1. Tango 1 didn't go as expected, or did it?
We, Pete, Kate, and I, arrived last Thursday, December 18, to set camp up and await the rest of the science team. That didn't ever happen.
If you can recall it took over two weeks for our first plane to arrive at Tango 1 because of bad weather. We arrived there and guess what? We had bad weather for seven days and the decision was made just to pull us out of camp and limp back.
I have some awesome video of the storms at Tango so stay tuned.
Picture: Me at the last day at Tango.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Video of Helo Work
I'd like to invite you to look at this page to look at a video I created today. Click here!
Monday, December 08, 2008
Damn Diamox

Ok, so "if" we leave for Tango camp tomorrow I had to start taking my Diamox today. Tango camp is at 8500 feet, so I will be leaving sea level and ascending to 8500 feet in five hours. Not only that but we have to set camp which is going to take 2+ days of very intensive physical work...all this at -30F and 8500 feet...not to mention what the physioaltitude might be.
The damn Diamox has been screwing with me all day. How it works: it makes your blood really acidic by making you piss out your bicarbonates. Your body says WTF! when your blood gets acidic and to counteract this imbalance your body produces more red blood cells. In theory if you have more red blood cells then your blood can take up more oxygen, therefore trying to "somewhat" allow you to have less adverse affect from high altitude.
I reality I am pissing like a pregnant woman, my body tingles (rather feels like vibrations) throughout my whole body, sour stomach, and a sour "lower" half (get my meaning yaw'll?).
Well, if we go tomorrow then only three more days of Diamox. If not, I will take it until we go.
Totally Tango Tomorrow

Well, as luck (?) would have it it looks like the second flight to Tango1 deep field camp will get in today, after nearly 2 1/2 weeks of bad weather. That means that tomorrow's flight will have the first passengers to set-up camp--which includes me.
The only hiccup I see is that the weather at Tango is supposed to get bad again. I say let's go.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Deverall Island
Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 21F
We are headed to Deverall Island tomorrow (hopefully). Today was our very first day of work because our deep field camp location has been impossible to get to because of the weather there for the last week and a half. But we are still trying.
Deverall is just a day trip out of McMurdo so stay tuned and I will post some pictures on my picture page soon.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Language Remebered

Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: Overcast, 20F
This was from a post that I made about two years ago describing the language that is used here in Antarctica. Most of these terms are derived from when the US Navy ran all US operations here in Operation Deep Freeze.
Once again, the language:
Big Red - the large, very warm, very red, USAP parka that is issued
Little Red - the issued USAP, not so warm but still very red, windbreaker (only wore this twice, I'm still in 4 layers on top, including Big Red)
Cuddling Kitties - Nalgene bottles filled with boiling hot water before bed.
Town - McMurdo Station
Carps - Carpenters
Freshies - Fresh food (a rarity)
Fueley - A person who fuels things
Beaker - A scientist
ECW Gear - Extreme cold weather clothing
Bunny Boots - US Army cold weather boots that are issued to beakers
Rocket Toilet - A propane fired toilet
On the ice - in Antarctica
Off the ice - going to New Zealand
Hurdy Gurdy - A thing to transfer fuel to Jerry cans
Happy Camper - Snow survival school (the coldest night of my life)
Night Sun - When the sun finally is above the valley peaks and gives your tent (and you) sun at night
U Barrel - The 55 gallon drum in which you relieve yourself in
P Bottle - A Pee Bottle
ASPA - Antarctic Special Protection Area
ASPA - Anti Scrabble Play Area
Hotsee - A device to melt holes in the ice
Glacier Berries - Ice chunks that come off the glacier that we use as our only source of water at camp
House Mouse - The person who makes sure the chores are done in the hut at the end of the night
Big Red - the large, very warm, very red, USAP parka that is issued
Little Red - the issued USAP, not so warm but still very red, windbreaker (only wore this twice, I'm still in 4 layers on top, including Big Red)
Cuddling Kitties - Nalgene bottles filled with boiling hot water before bed.
Town - McMurdo Station
Carps - Carpenters
Freshies - Fresh food (a rarity)
Fueley - A person who fuels things
Beaker - A scientist
ECW Gear - Extreme cold weather clothing
Bunny Boots - US Army cold weather boots that are issued to beakers
Rocket Toilet - A propane fired toilet
On the ice - in Antarctica
Off the ice - going to New Zealand
Hurdy Gurdy - A thing to transfer fuel to Jerry cans
Happy Camper - Snow survival school (the coldest night of my life)
Night Sun - When the sun finally is above the valley peaks and gives your tent (and you) sun at night
U Barrel - The 55 gallon drum in which you relieve yourself in
P Bottle - A Pee Bottle
ASPA - Antarctic Special Protection Area
ASPA - Anti Scrabble Play Area
Hotsee - A device to melt holes in the ice
Glacier Berries - Ice chunks that come off the glacier that we use as our only source of water at camp
House Mouse - The person who makes sure the chores are done in the hut at the end of the night
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Holiday Weather
Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: Blowing snow, 21F
I guess the video says it all.
Friday, November 28, 2008
No Flight No
Location: McMurdo Station
Weather: Blowing snow, 18F
Weather is part of life here. The personnel at USAP do a good job of trying to plan the flight schedules way in advance and do a pretty damn good job of being flexible when changes happen, but you just can't predict the weather many months ahead of time.
I would like to wish you all in the US a Happy Thanksgiving. It's already Friday morning here and it is traditional for McMurdo to celebrate its Thanksgiving on Saturday (your Friday). As I said two years ago on this date, all that is missed is the Lions on the TV.
The pictures are of the morning weather brief and Condition 1 weather on the sea ice.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Lay your hands

This old life seemed much too long
With little point in going on
I couldn't think of what to say
Words just vanished in the haze
I was feeling cold and tired
Yeah kinda sad and uninspired
But when it almost seemed too much
I see your face
And sense the grace
And feel the magic in your touch
Back and forth across the sea
I have chased so many dreams
But I have never felt the grace
That I have felt in your embrace
Oh I was tired and I was cold
Yeah with a hunger in my soul
When it almost seemed too much
I see your face
And sense the grace
And feel the magic in your touch
Now you made me feel so good
Yeah like I never ever thought I would
You know you make me feel so strong
And now our laughter just goes on and on
So c'mon lay your hands on me
Cause close to you is where I really wanna be
And if it ever gets too much
I see your face
And sense the grace
And feel the magic in our touch
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Beaker Desk
Friday, November 21, 2008
Ice Stories and Tango 1

Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: Sunny, 8F
I just wanted to let you all know that my first dispatch as an ice stories correspondent is published. You can find it here.
Other than that, it's just been more training plus a lot of work getting the camping equipment checked and ready to go to Tango 1 camp on December 1.
Tango 1 is going to our deep field home for about 2 weeks. It is located at 86 degrees south (obviously South Pole is at 90 degrees) and sits just above 8000 feet. What does that mean? It's going to be COLD.
We will be staying in tents, sleeping in sleeping bags, the whole nine yards. But the combination of the temperature and the altitude is going to make it....well...interesting.
One thing about altitude in Antarctica is that it changes. No, the land elevation doesn't change but the physio-altitude does. Ok english? Barometric pressure affects what you body thinks is altitude. The lower the pressure in the atmosphere, it makes you feel like your at a higher altitude. Antarctica is known for really low pressure systems coming across the mid-continent...exactly where our camp is. Depending on how low the air pressure gets, an 8000 foot high elevation can change to +10,000 feet...this change can be done in hours.
I will start taking my Diamox the day before.
Fun huh? I think so.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: Sunny, 15F
Well I finally made back to Mactown yesterday.
Not much of a post but to say you can check out a live webcam of McMurdo Station here and that I have posted a picture that has pictures from various parts of this trip. My picture page is located here.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Go, No-Go
Location: Christchurch, NZ
Weather: 60F, Sunny
No problem. Thank you to the USAF for providing a safety first mentality.
Yeah, it's tough, another day in sunny, warm Christchurch. Checked out my second favorite thai place in town.
I'll be setting up a separate picture page so check for the link in the next post.
Here's to trying it again today. Maybe hit McMurdo by midnight.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Déjà vu
Location: Christchurch, NZ
Weather: 80F, Sunny
Well, it all starts again after four flights and a little over 24 hours in the air I have arrived in Christchurch, New Zealand. Last time I lost a Sunday on flights here, and this time it was a Friday.
Christchurch is still beautiful. All the plants are in bloom and my room at the B&B smells like roses. I remembered today about how there is nothing to smell in Antarctica (besides human created smells). I also remember the last time I got off the ice and walked out of the Kiwi LC-130 at Christchurch airport how hard all of the smells of normal civilization hit me. Exhaust was overwhelming, smelling peoples perfume, but to even it out--the smell of good thai food.
Speaking of thai, I'm off to Anne's tonight--probably the best thai I have ever had.
Well, I am ready to get this party started. Tomorrow is clothing issue and then my flight to the ice will be on Monday. I want to get down there, turn the jets on for a month, and get everything we have planned accomplished.
Which includes a week in a remote tent camp at 87 degrees latitude. I have always wanted to get to the South Pole, but I guess I'll have to settle for 2 degrees away. More on that later.
Well, as with the last time, the next update will be from the ice.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thursday November 13 at 1:45PM

Location: Columbus, OH
Weather: Overcast 28F
That's the date. Columbus to Dallas to Los Angeles to Auckland to Christchurch. Gotta love it.
I did find out that we are going to have a live Ice Stories webcast from McMurdo on Dec 27.
It was nice to see that the Astronomy Picture of the Day that is a gadget on my blog was the North American Nebula (NGC 7000). That was the last astroimage I took as well (mine's above). It shows how much I still have to learn about image processing.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Ice Stories and SACNAS

Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Weather: 35F, Snow
Well I have spent a busy couple weeks traveling.
Last week 13 Antarctic scientist met at the Exploratorium Museum in San Francisco to participate in the Ice Stories workshop. We spent a week learning video, audio, still photography, and story telling. We all are going to be correspondents from our respective science projects and will be reporting our experiences from the ice this year (which I leave on Nov 13).
It was great to meet some nice folks (most I'll get to cross paths with on the ice this season). I don't know if it is the ability to work in one of the most beautiful places on this planet or the friends you meet makes this a great scientific community to work in.
This week I have been in SLC for the SACNAS conference (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science). It's been a wonderful few days getting to talk with the next generation of scientist. I am proud to see the level of research by these young folks.
Tomorrow is back to Columbus for a couple weeks, but first I'm off to my first Pow Wow.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Seeing the future

Location: Columbus, OH
Weather: Clear, 54F
Ok, so this has nothing to do with Antarctica, but my life is much more than some frozen continent.
For some reason I just woke up early this morning. I got up, made coffee, played with Nana, and went outside to look at the beautiful pre-dawn skies. As soon as I looked up I realized that I was looking at the winter constellations. I was always in wonder of this. I know it's a simple notion of astrophysics, but looking at the next seasons stars has always been like looking into the future. Seeing Orion prominently in the southern sky made me think about what might life might be like in six months when Orion will be up at 8:00pm vice 6:30am. It's always the first glimpse into a future time to come. It doesn't give up any of its mysteries, but it does prove the concept of the "future" and that what and who I deal with here in the present is fleeting.
That is not such a bad thought.
Picture: M42 - The Great Orion Nebula--I shot this last winter in Gibsonburg, OH.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
PQ is a Go Go
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
PQ a Go Go

Location: Columbus, OH
Weather: 63F, Sunny
It stands now that we will be leaving for the ice in the mid-November range. This will be a different type of season for me. The plans to do the remote work on the West Antarctic ice sheet had to be changed because of budget reasons so now all of the work I will be doing will be based out of McMurdo--which if anyone of you remember is not my favorite spot on the planet. Don't get me wrong, being in Antarctica is great, but I am just not fond of the large outpost--I guess I just have the remote field work gene in me.
The consolation is that all of our work will be like a hub out of McMurdo. Which means a lot of flights daily, on helicopters and fixed wing aircraft (which will be new for me), which I am happy with.
Of course, there's is the PQ process. I have not as yet been qualified by USAP to go. I guess that will be the next milestone in this process.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
On Again...
Yep, it's on again.
I received my first bit of paperwork for return trip to Antarctica. My graduate education is over (you can see the abstract for my Dry Valleys research) and I will be returning to Antarctica in late 2008 with the Polar Earth Observing Network.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Weather: 75F, Sunny
The Fat Lady Sings
That's it. No more Lake Hoare Hut, Sunday showers in the Jamesway, stealing frozen Snickers bars from the cache outside, moat ice, rocket toilets, ATVs, glacier water (except the liter I have) or cores. It's over....for now.
I have had, I hope, a successful season. I have acquired a good amount of data, and more when I, and my samples, make it back to Columbus.
Christchurch is again great. I have reveled in the site of trees, birds, city life, fresh food, and darkness. It's unusually cold here for this time of year, which means that I have been enjoying a few spring like days.
I would again like to think the LTER for a spot on this year's team; KW, for her contribution to a successful season, and everyone else who has helped with this project.
Thank you all for watching. I will continue the blog, just not as often, but you can find me at
Picture: Starbucks Coffee in Cathedral Square in Christchurch
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: 30F
Ice Cores and Mac Town
I am three days away from my northbound flight back to New Zealand, and then a vacation. Kathy says I am "retro trash", or a worthless lump of flesh just waiting for my flight out. I have to agree with her. See, I barely can post to the blog...yep, retro trash.
Pictures: An extracted ice core from Lake Hoare.
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Location: Lake Hoare, Antarctica
Weather: Overcast, 32F
Catharacta Antarctica
Yesterday while I was doing a test core I noticed movement in the air. In Antarctica only two things can be seen flying: a NSF helicopter or Catharacta antarctica, the Antarctcia Skua. The Skua is a bird, something like a seagull with a mean streak. As I said, I was screwing down my core barrel and I noticed a two Skua CAP (combat air patrol) circling above me. Now these birds might be dumb but they know one thing: a person in a red jacket equals food. Lucky for me, they did form up in attack formation, they just investigated me and went towards camp.
Well, I am moving into phase two of sampling: ice cores. I am starting Monday to extract eight ice cores from Lake Hoare, and then move over to Lake Fryxell to repeat the process. I will analyze these cores in McMurdo, and then ship them back to the US for more advanced analysis.
Thanksgiving was great. The only way you couldn't tell it wasn't a thanksgiving meal at home was the fact we had a few people that had never encountered the holiday before and Detroit wasn't playing on the TV.
Picture: A group picture at Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving pies.
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Location: Lake Hoare, Antarctcia
Weather: Sunny, 25F (this is at the coldest temperature point of the day)
Thanksgiving Day and Wacky, Wacky, Antarctica
When you didn't think things could get any stranger the lake ice has "done pulled a fast one on me." I go back to McMurdo Station to make some modifications and repairs to my system to have a great second half of the sampling season with my machine, and when I returned the ice has changes its characteristics dramatically. Well, Okay, in field work adjustment is a necessary evil, but this change has rendered my gizmo useless. I won't go into the drudgeries of ice physics, but to sum it up, "it just don't work no more." So, change is on the horizon.
I am going to possibly change the direction of sampling, which would involve taking the ice to McMurdo for analysis. Does that mean I have to leave the valley and take up residence there, unfortunately, probably yes.
Today is Thanksgiving. We are planning a very traditional, home cooked meal for 30. Yes, we are the talk of the valley. The pilgrims (beakers at the neighboring lakes and valleys) will be hiking or flying in for our feast. Lucky for me, my tent is only 1000 feet away so maneuvering with a Tryptophan (C11H12N2O2) seduced body will not be to tough. Happy T-Givings everyone!
Picture: A Lighter at the Lake.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Location: Lake Hoare, Antarctcia
Weather: 19F, Partly Cloudy
I returned from McMurdo Station today and had a really incredible flight back out to the Dry Valleys. I had a front seat in the helicopter, with clear(ish) skies, and a pilot that gave one heck of a tour. My pilot pointed out most of the major landmarks, as well as, some good views of the icebergs that dot McMurdo Sound. I saw the end of the ice sheet, the only water I have seen since I was in Chirstchurch, NZ, and a few seals lounging out on the ice.
Picture: Lake Hoare Camp from my helo trip today
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: 21F, Snow
OSU -vs- Michigan
Yeah, it's a big thing. I have heard from friends in Columbus all week how the campus was a buzz with anticipation, but could that possibly be the case 15,000 miles away? I arrived into McMurdo Station Thursday night for some repairs to the equipment and a couple of days off to recharge. Before I had been here 12 hours I had heard "The Game" mentioned 3 or 4 times on TV. So yes, the game is important here in Antarctica too.
Today, Sunday morning, at 9:30AM members of The Ohio State University contingent met in a specific lounge to watch the game. All told there were five of us from OSU, a few Michigan haters, and 6 or 7 Kiwi's that had never seen an American football game before. It was an exciting and interesting crowd.
42-39 Ohio State, congratulations. I will be home when they go for the NCAA National Championship in January. I must say it is cool to be going to a school that has a athletic program that is good, but the following still mystifies me, but in a good way.
Photo: The evenings weather forecast.
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Location: Lake Hoare, Antarctica
Weather: Sunny, 12F
The language
As with any, somewhat, closed society a language of its own will develop. The following is a list of "speak" in the US Antarctic region. This list is not complete but should give you the idea.
Big Red - the large, very warm, very red, USAP parka that is issued
Little Red - the issued USAP, not so warm but still very red, windbreaker (only wore this twice, I'm still in 4 layers on top, including Big Red)
Cuddling Kitties - Nalgene bottles filled with boiling hot water before bed.
Town - McMurdo Station
Carps - Carpenters
Freshies - Fresh food (a rarity)
Fueley - A person who fuels things
Beaker - A scientist
ECW Gear - Extreme cold weather clothing
Bunny Boots - US Army cold weather boots that are issued to beakers
Rocket Toilet - A propane fired toilet
On the ice - in Antarctica
Off the ice - going to New Zealand
Hurdy Gurdy - A thing to transfer fuel to Jerry cans
Happy Camper - Snow survival school (the coldest night of my life)
Night Sun - When the sun finally is above the valley peaks and gives your tent (and you) sun at night
U Barrel - The 55 gallon drum in which you relieve yourself in
P Bottle - A Pee Bottle
ASPA - Antarctic Special Protection Area
ASPA - Anti Scrabble Play Area
Hotsee - A device to melt holes in the ice
Glacier Berries - Ice chunks that come off the glacier that we use as our only source of water at camp
House Mouse - The person who makes sure the chores are done in the hut at the end of the night
There's more. I'll add them as I remember them.
Pictures: Both are of the Asgard Range above Fryxell camp
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Location: Lake Fryxell, Antarctica
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 14F
Lake Fryxell
I have been at Lake Fryxell since Monday doing measurements and such, I plan to head back to Lake Hoare on Saturday to a large crowd...the summer season is in full effect. I just realized that I am currently listening to My Antarctica by Duran Duran, coincidence? Anyway, Lake Fryxell camp is much more remote than Lake Hoare camp, however, I am enjoying the peace and cozy life here. There are five people here, all scientist, 3 from Montana State University, me, and my assistant.
Yesterday, I sampled the helicopter crash site that is the foundation of my grant. For a year I have looked upon this crash site with a scientific eye, thinking about the fuel that escaped into the environment, and it being used as a tracer. Then it hit me. As I have gotten to know the pilots here, I realized there is a personal side to all of this. Two people were seriously injured during the crash and the scientist and support personnel in the valley that day were suddently thrown into a very serious situation. I have had the chance to talk to a few people that were here that day, and to hear that story it makes the scientific aspect of it almost worthless. I would like to say to the all of the people that assisted that day in 2003 that I am impressed with your abilities and professionalism that saved the life of two people. Cheers.
Pictures: Lake Fryxell from the helicopter ride over here. The Fryxell Camp.
Friday, November 03, 2006

Location: Lake Hoare, Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Weather: Sunny, 5F
The Ice
Some of you know what I am working on, some of you don't. This blog's main intention is to discuss the personal side of working in Antarctica, but I thought I might re-cap what it is that I am doing here.
I measure permeability (a substances ability to transmit any fluid through itself). Specifically, I study the permeability of ice. Most specifically, I study the permeability of lake ice in the Taylor Valley. I have been at it for over a week, and the data points out one common point: yes, the ice is frozen. For you inspiring hydrogeologist, the permeability is around 10E-13, which is pretty impermeable for ice, but pretty permeable as things go (it's around the range of sandstone). However, the ice is dominated by what is called secondary permeability, which are things like fractures in the ice, bubbles, sediment layers, and such. This increases the permeability to almost zero in a lot of places (meaning it is completely permeable). If you are really interested check out the current research section of my website (
Well that's tonight's fireside chat. It's my birthday tomorrow, and a party is planned. Dinner tomorrow night is surf and turf, and shower day is Sunday! I will be flying over to Lake Fryxell on Monday for a week. I'll update from there.
I would also like to tell a couple of specific friends that I am thinking about you in your times of need (AS, JF, TB, and LM). I might be at the bottom of the world, but you all are still very close to me.
Pictures: Moat ice at Lake Fryxell, and Kirkuk Hills. Ciao.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Location: El bottom of Eartho
Weather: Cold, really cold.
Two posts today!
I simply would like to thank the National Science Foundation for supporting my grant to work in Antarctica. I believe their pursuit is noble.
Picture: The NSF helicopter (1 of 6) landing in our camp. That is the only way of transportation here in the Dry Valleys.

Location: Lake Hoare, Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Weather: 5F
The rocket toilet is the "preferred" way of depositing solid human waste here at camp. You ask, "why is it called the Rocket Toilet?", well, it uses propane to turn human waste into ash so it is easily removed from the Dry Valleys, but the name comes from an "incidence" a couple of years ago when the propane got out of hand.
Speaking of the Rocket Toilet, environmental issues are the highest priority of life here in the Dry Valleys. Not a single human generated piece of waste ever remains here. All water that is used for cleaning dishes, hands, and ourselves (shower day is every Sunday) gets canned up for disposal in the US. Along with the water, human waste (both), food trash, plastic, burnables, miscellaneous debris, everything, eventually makes its way to Port Hueneme, California for disposal.
As a few of you know I have some particular vices, and I bottle that waste too.
With doing all of this we are adhering to the International Antarctic Treaty, but beyond that, if you could see the sun shining in the valley at night or the clouds over the Asgard Range you wouldn't want to change a thing or leave any mess behind. I'll end with a promise from the camp manager: it really is supposed to warm up here at some point...I can't really believe that yet (Shackleton would be laughing). However, the sun floods the valley every night at 9:30pm for an hour and the radiated heating made it absolutely balmy in my tent (as I am comfortably tucked away in my -40 sleeping bag).
Pictures: The Rocket Toilet.
Friday, October 27, 2006

Location: Lake Hoare, Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 0F
I had a request to describe daily life in the Dry Valleys, well, with my extensive experience (3 days), it is grand. Today my day started around 7am deciding the fastest way to change into clothes without losing too much warmth from my sleeping bag. After that I went to the hut (heated and pretty posh) and made coffee (Starbucks Sumatra) with a couple english muffins (w/ New Zealand butter). Around 8am, I start planning my reconnaissance of the lake, I took GPS measurements of the moat ice. The work (hike?) took about 6 hours to map the perimeter of the lake (I get paid for this?), with some pit stops. I stopped at Lake Chad on my walk, the ice was extremely beautiful there, it was so clear (and decorated with algae and ice bubbles) that you could see at least 10-15 feet to the bottom. I also saw my first mummified seal there; I guess some seals get to the Taylor Valley by getting off course from the ocean (which is about 100 miles away and 2000 feet of elevation gain). The next seal is saw was not mummified, it looked like a recent addition to the valley.
The afternoon had me testing and calibrating the permeameter in the instrument lab. The good news is that it calibrated fine so I will calibrate again tomorrow on the lake ice and then searching and marking sampling sites.
The evening was a treat. First, we had an Indian feast, with 4 Indian dishes and fresh naan (life is tough), the food at the camp has been outstanding, after dinner and clean-up duties I went outside to enjoy the sun in the western sky. This time of day (10:00pm) the sun illuminates the glacier that is just in front of my tent.
It's almost 10:30pm and nearing bedtime. I'm going to heat water for the water bottles (cuddling kitties). The picture is from the ice on Lake Hoare. Signing off.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Location: Lake Hoare, Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Weather: Mostly Sunny, negative something, calm wind
ROOM WITH A VIEW. I arrived at L. Hoare today. This is one of the two lakes I will be conducting my research on. The scenery on the helo trip out from McMurdo was great, but the Taylor Valley is exceptionally beautiful. The picture is the view from the front door of my tent. Now I know why I became a geologist.
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: -10F, Overcast, Windy
Snowcraft school went well. It was very informative and cool to be out with two mountaineers for a couple of days. I have spent a lot of time in the outdoors, but it is always neat to pick up ideas from others. It was really cold, wind chills near -50F, but I stayed "moderatly" warm unless I had to expose some skin.
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Location: McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Weather: -27F, Overcast, winds WSW @ 20
The flight from Christchurch to McMurdo was uneventful (which is the best news). It took 5 hours on an USAF C-17 to make it, and was surprisingly comfortable, for flying in a jumpseat. It is very cold here, something I'm sure I will have to get used to. I have "happy camper" school starting tomorrow for the next two days. I am actually looking forward to camping out tomorrow night, and to getting into the field, which is scheduled for next Wednesday.
I am exhausted. We had a 2:30am wake up, and had to make it to the Antarctic Centre by 4:00am. Of course, we didn't go wheels up until 7:45am, and landed almost exactly 5 hours later at 12:47pm. I am off to read a little, go to the coffee house, and then get an early night sleep.
Take care all. I'll report after my snowcraft school.
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